Juice fasting makes every other natural method of alternative therapy work faster: massage therapy works faster for fibromyalgia, acupuncture works faster for pain, energy healing is sped up, nutritional therapy works faster for diabetics, etc.
Juice fasting is a multidimensional therapy
in which the body goes through a major transformation -- physically, biochemically, and hormonally. There are a wide range of metabolic
changes that occur. For example, the blood and lymph are detoxified; and, toxins are released from the colon, kidneys, bladder, lungs,
sinuses, and skin. This clears out complications that have arisen from a bad diet and
unhealthy lifestyle.
The benefits of following a juice fast include heightened spiritual
awareness and relaxation of the body, mind, and emotions. Many people feel a
sense of letting go of pain from the past and developing a positive attitude
towards the present.
During juice fasting, the body is able to clean out its
system because it is not expending energy towards the digestive organs dealing with the accumulated toxins, sludge, and other waste.
Note: But, if you're diabetic, juice fasting may not be the best strategy to help reverse your diabetes. Make sure that you test your blood glucose to ensure that you don't go hypoglycemic!